Corporate and commercial law


Corporate and commercial law

As companies seek growth beyond their home markets, they must manage regulatory risks, bridge cultural differences and compete effectively.

VALUE represents companies

in many aspects of their corporate life — from establishment through to various aspects of evolution. This encompasses:

Day-to-day advice on all legal forms

Effective planning and implementation support for corporate reorganizations

Domestic and cross-border corporate transactions, including mergers, acquisitions and joint ventures

Equity investments and change of control transactions

Support and advice on corporate compliance programs

Corporate legal secretarial services

Commercial law

VALUE counsels businesses in connection with their ongoing contractual relationships with domestic and international customers, suppliers, and distributors. VALUE’s lawyers provide advice on all forms of commercial contracts to support day-to-day and strategic business activities. VALUE experience extends across sectors and regulatory regimes.


Provides advice on disputes, lawsuits and claims among company shareholders or company shareholders and the company. These issues can include claims and legal actions regarding resolutions of the board of directors or the general shareholders’ meeting, court-ordered dissolution and the liability of company directors.
VALUE advises on many aspects of corporate governance, including director and officer liability. EY practitioners offer advice to listed companies, institutional investors, private equity investors, underwriters, board committees, directors and others.